5089: The Action RPG
Publisher:Phr00t's Software
Entwickler:Phr00t's Software
Releasedatum:03. Feb 2016 (vor 9 Jahren)
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5089 expands upon 3089, bringing you back to planet Xax 2000 years later. After the mysterious events in the year 4089, the Overlord hasn't been heard from for the last millennium, and so the experimental robots have continued to wage war according to their program. Without the Overlord to repair the damage, Xax has fallen into a state of chaos and dereliction. However, a shadowy new power has risen... how will your presence turn its fate?
Shoot, sneak, build, talk, slash, buy, sell, fly, swing, hover, scavenge, teleport & conquer your way through an endlessly generated planet. You can do it all with a friend, too. 5089 includes a rework of 3089 & does not require the original to play.Newly Added & Key Features
- Virtual Reality: Play 5089 with any SteamVR device, including the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. Want to sit, stand or use your whole room with tracked controllers? 5089 will work with what virtual equipment you do (or don't) have! (See forum for more VR details)
- Dialog System: 5089 doesn't just have a new story, it has a new way to interact with it. You'll be talking with your fellow robots & more, and what choices you make will have consequences...
- New Content: New robot types, new buildings, a new automatic weapon, a new gravity utility, new quest types, enemy shield system, item part color customization, story tidbits...
- Improved Visuals: Better textures, new shaders, redone lighting system, improved animations, additional models... everything should just look more polished & better.
- New Conversion Mechanic: Planet Xax is crumbling; you'll need to reclaim & destroy the enemy to improve the infrastructure!
- Item Comparisons: Hover one item over another to see stats for both, or see how a part will integrate with another...
- All New Original Soundtrack: Music specifically crafted for 5089 by Sorath72.
- Easier Learning Curve: Game mechanics are introduced better, improved in-game tips, restructured heads-up display with better labels, added item usage instructions to the inventory & item parts are outlined to make item customization easier.
- Over 130 Robot Quotes: Many from fan suggestions!
- Balancing Overhaul: Economy has been revamped, item stats changed, difficulty curved tweaked, aiming system improved...
- Better Performance: Even though 5089 is more detailed, engine reworks shall allow 5089 to run faster than its predecessors!
- Advanced Terrain Generation: Buildings will now be placed in flatter areas, roads will be smoother...
- 2-Player Co-op: 5089 now uses UPnP to automatically configure your router to forward ports if needed. Also, when Steam is run as administrator (and as a result, 5089 too) on Windows, it will automatically update Windows Firewall to allow communication. These improvements should make co-op play easier to setup!
- Unlockable Classes: Beat the game to unlock 2 new starting classes!
- Steam Integration: Achievements & Cloud game saves!
- Betriebssystem: Windows 7+
- Prozessor: Dual-core
- Arbeitsspeicher: 2 GB RAM
- Grafik: Dedicated 3D acceleration (Intel HD etc. not supported)
- Speicherplatz: 250 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: OpenAL supported
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: Uses Java 8+, 64-bit runtime included
- Betriebssystem: OSX 10.9+
- Prozessor: Dual-core
- Arbeitsspeicher: 2 GB RAM
- Grafik: Dedicated 3D acceleration (Intel HD etc. not supported)
- Speicherplatz: 250 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: OpenAL support
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: Java 8+ support (Runtime included)
- Betriebssystem: Any that supports 3D acceleration & Java 8+
- Prozessor: Dual-core
- Arbeitsspeicher: 2 GB RAM
- Grafik: Dedicated 3D acceleration (Intel HD etc. not supported)
- Speicherplatz: 250 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: OpenAL supported
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: Java 8+ support (64-bit runtime included)
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