After The End: The Harvest (PC)
Steam Key

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After The End: The Harvest
Steam Key
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Humanity has all but disappeared from its original planet and home, with only its remnants remaining scattered.
Those who were not worthy, did not graduate the cycle.
By chance encounter with an intelligent being, you begin your journey to unravel the great mystery of the universe itself.

There is no one way to reach the finish. Players are almost immediately left to explore at their own leisure.

Game Currently Includes-

-Huge Open World Set In Space
-Action RPG Combat
-Lootable Enviroments Including Planets, Moons, Derelict Spacestations, Monster Infested Asteroids & More
-Control, Fight & Navigate With Your Very Own Spaceship
-Constant Danger: Enemies Get Stronger The More You Play
-Crafting Hunting & Scavenging Mechanics
-Non-Linear Questing: Go About Your Adventure In Almost Any Way You Desire
-Huge Open Environments Filled With Unique Characters To Interact With, Items To Find, Monsters To Hunt & History To Explore
-Spacesuit With Boost Jump: Enables You To Breathe In Space
-Summons: Gigantic Monsters Which Aid You In Battle
-Mouse & Keyboard Support (JoyToKey Controller Compatible)
-Heaps Of Enemies And Bosses
-Arena Challenges
-Hidden Areas
-Plenty Of Side Quests With Interesting Characters, Rewards And Outcomes
-Planetary Day/Night Cycles
-Unique Planetary Climate Systems
-Different Monsters/Quests Depending On Time Of Day
-Planets With Villages, Quests, Items & Monsters
-Heaps Of Choices For Weapons And Magic
and much more!

Current build is Alpha V0.09

All content copyright Elushis Music/Gaming Press email- Content included with the game cannot be modified or redistributed unless specifically instructed otherwise.

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