Arma 3 Jets

Entwickler:Bohemia Interactive
Releasedatum:16. Mai 2017 (vor 7 Jahren)

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Fight in the sky with brand new Air-Superiority jets and use advanced targeting systems to shoot down the enemy in the Arma 3 Jets DLC.Key Features
- F/A-181 Black Wasp II - The F/A-181 Black Wasp II is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather tactical fighter jet. The aircraft was designed primarily as an air-superiority fighter, but also has ground attack capabilities. Its additional external hard points enable the aircraft to carry a wide variety of weapons configurations. The Black Wasp is fitted with the required equipment for carrier operations.
- To-201 Shikra - The To-201 Shikra is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather tactical fighter jet. The aircraft was designed by a CSAT and Russian joint syndicate with the goal to build a highly agile and maneuverable air-superiority fighter. Similar to the F/A-181, the To-201 also has ground attack capabilities, and is able to support various weapons configurations via its conventional pylons, but also its internal weapons bay.
- A-149 Gryphon - The A-149 Gryphon is a fourth-generation, single-seat, single-engine, and all-weather tactical fighter jet. The aircraft was designed as a multi-role platform at an affordable cost, and unlike some of the larger air-superiority jets, it can also perform well in low-altitude flight. Despite its aging platform, the A-149 has still been upgraded with the newest sensors and weapons systems.
- Sentinel - The Sentinel is a fifth-generation, state of the line, twin-engine, all-weather tactical Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV). The Sentinel was designed primarily as a reconnaissance platform, but can also perform precision ground attacks. It typically operates from an aircraft carrier.
- Showcase Jets - Take to the skies above Altis and engage in air-to-air and air-to-ground combat in a brand new Showcase scenario.
Platform UpdateThe Arma 3 Jets DLC is supported by a major Arma 3 platform update, featuring new content and features. The platform update is free for all owners of Arma 3.Supporting Features
- Sensor Overhaul - A new radar interface for targeting guided weapons, powered by advanced Active Radar and Infrared sensor technology, makes a variety of vehicles (including jets, helicopters, and tanks) capable of combat beyond visual range. In extension, Data Link enables vehicles to transmit their sensor data to other vehicles for advanced cooperation. Together with new radar symbology, and unique radar and IR signatures for each vehicle, this means that players now have a more accurate overview of the battlefield.
- Extended Hitpoints - The damage model of fixed-wing aircraft has been upgraded to the level of detail of other vehicle classes in Arma 3. As a result, being hit by enemy fire does not immediately mean the end, but an engine failure, a fuel leak, a malfunctioning HUD, or other types of damage, will make it more difficult to return back to base in one piece.
- Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts - As requested by many people in the Arma community, you can now customize your vehicle's armament. In the case of jets, this means you can choose what kind of ordnance each pylon carries. Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts is designed to be compatible with other vehicle classes in Arma 3, which also means that content creators have the option to implement this new functionality in their assets.
- Other Improvements - The overall experience of flying a jet aircraft in Arma 3 has been improved with the help of audio enhancements, tweaked controls, and several new scripted solutions such as ejection seat emergency procedures.
Supporting Content
- Aircraft Carrier "USS Freedom" (CVN-83)* - The USS Freedom is the second ship of its class. Carrying hull designation CVN-83, this nuclear-powered aircraft carrier serves as a main operating base for NATO. The USS Freedom can carry various aircraft and helicopters on board that can facilitate almost every support role. With a length of 337 meters and width of 105 meters, this is the largest ship ever built. The USS Freedom is armed with various autonomous defensive weapon systems:
- Praetorian 1C AAA - Supplied by 20mm Vulcan rounds, the Praetorian Anti-Aircraft-Artillery system was designed to protect the NATO navy from any possible aerial threat in close range.
- Mk-49 Spartan SAM & Mk-21 Centurion SAM - The Spartan Surface to Air Missile system and the Centurion Surface to Air Missile system were designed to protect the NATO navy from any possible aerial threat. Armed with 21 IR guided short range Anti Air missiles and 8 radar guided medium range Anti Air missiles, these two systems are usually deployed in tandem to deny air superiority to opponents.
- Praetorian 1C AAA - Supplied by 20mm Vulcan rounds, the Praetorian Anti-Aircraft-Artillery system was designed to protect the NATO navy from any possible aerial threat in close range.
- Official Soundtrack - a new music track befitting the jets theme.
- Achievements - a set of extra Steam Achievements.
The Arma 3 Jets DLC is developed in partnership with third-party external development studio BRAVO ZERO ONE Studios, which is led by Make Arma Not War winner Joshua "Saul" Carpenter.
- Betriebssystem: Windows 7 SP1 (64bit)
- Prozessor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz oder AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
- Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT / AMD Radeon HD 5670 / Intel HD Graphics 4000 mit 512 MB VRAM
- DirectX®: 10
- Festplattenplatz: 20 GB freier Speicher
- Sound: DirectX®-kompatibel
- Betriebssystem: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64bit)
- Prozessor: Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD FX 4300 oder besser
- Arbeitsspeicher: 6 GB RAM
- Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series mit 2 GB VRAM
- DirectX®: 11
- Festplattenplatz: 25 GB freier Speicher (SSD/Hybrid HDD/SSHD Speicher)
- Sound: DirectX®-kompatibel
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