Crusader Kings II Collection (PC)
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Crusader Kings II: Mongol Faces

Das 'The Mongols' DLC beinhaltet tausender, einzigartiger Gesichterkombinationen für männliche und weibliche Charaktere mongolischer Stämme. Inklusive 7 neuer Sprites für:

  • Bogenschützen
  • Bogenschützen zu Pferd
  • Schwere Infanterie
  • Pikeniere
  • Leichte Infanterie
  • Leichte Kavallerie
  • Schwere Kavallerie
Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields

Dieses Paket beinhaltet 50 einzigartige Schilde für 50 der berühmtesten Familien des mittelalterlichen Europas. Inklusive folgender Insignien:

  • von Habsburg
  • af Bjälbo
  • Komnenos
  • Rurikovich
  • Plantangenet
  • von Wittelsbach
  • Ylving
Crusader Kings II

Die dunklen Zeiten mögen sich dem Ende neigen, doch in Europa herrscht noch immer Tumult. Unbedeutende Feudalherren konkurrieren um die Gunst von belagerten Königen, welche sich nur mühsam die Kontrolle über ihre zersplitterten Königreiche erhalten können. Der Papst ruft auf zu einem Kreuzzug, um die Christen im Heiligen Land zu beschützen, selbst dann noch, als er sich weigert, auf die Kontrolle über die Investitur der Bischöfe zu verzichten - inklusive ihrer Reichtümer. Jetzt ist...

Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion

Songs of Albion enthält vier neue Songs, mit einer Gesamtspielzeit von 10 Minuten und komponiert von Andreas Waldetoft. Diese Titel werden Ihnen beim Spielen Ihrer Charaktere in Königreich von England zur Verfügung stehen.

Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land

Songs of the Holy Land enthält zwei neue Songs, mit einer Gesamtspielzeit von 10 Minuten und komponiert von Andreas Waldetoft. Diese Titel werden Ihnen beim Spielen von Charakteren des Nahen Ostens zur Verfügung stehen.

Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer

Sie haben es satt, ständig historische Charaktere zu spielen? Der Ruler Designer lässt Sie eigene Persönlichkeiten kreieren, wenn Sie ein neues Spiel beginnen. Schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle von Sir Wilfred Death, Elric of Melniboné oder welche auch immer Ihnen in den Sinn kommt.


  • Erstellen Sie ein eigenes Portrait
  • Gründen Sie eine eigene Dynastie samt Kriegsuniform
  • Verteilen Sie Fähigkeitspunkte und Charakterzüge
  • Kreieren Sie...
    Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith

    Songs of Faith enthält zwei neue Songs, mit einer Gesamtspielzeit von 10 Minuten und komponiert von Andreas Waldetoft. Diese Titel werden Ihnen beim Spielen von andächtigen und religiösen Charakteren zur Verfügung stehen.

    Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Caliph

    Songs of the Caliph enthält zwei neue Songs von insgesamt 11 Minuten Länge. Diese Songs, welche von dem talentierten Andreas Waldetoft komponiert wurden, werden abgespielt, wenn Sie als muslimischer Herrscher in der Sword of Islam-Erweiterung spielen.


    • Saladin Arrives at Jerusalem
    • The Persian Army
    Crusader Kings II: African Unit Pack

    Erweitern Sie Ihr Crusader Kings II Spielerlebnis mit diesen einzigartigen Einheitsgrafiken für die Afrikanischen Staaten südlich der Sahara:

    • Nubien
    • Abessinien
    • Mali
    • Songhay
    • Ghana
    Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam

    Europa ist in Aufruhr: Die Länder sind in unbedeutende Lehnsgüter zerfallen, der Kaiser ringt mit dem Papst und der Heilige Vater deklariert, dass all jenen, die das Heilige Land befreien, ihre Sünden erlassen werden. Die Zeit für Größe ist gekommen!

    Die erste Erweiterung, Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam, fügt spielbare muslimische Herrscher dem Spiel hinzu.

    Crusader Kings II verpackt eines der bedeutendsten Zeitalter in der Weltgeschichte in einem Erlebnis, das von den...

    Crusader Kings II: Songs of Byzantium

    Songs of Byzantium contains three new songs, totaling more than 10 minutes, composed by the talented Andreas Waldetoft. These songs give more depth to your game playing experience as you play characters in the Byzantine Empire and other Greek, Armenian or Georgian states.

    • Komnenos
    • The Legacy of Rome
    • The Byzantine Empire
    Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield II

    Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with these historically accurate shields. The Dynasty Shields Pack contains the insignias of 50 famous families from Medieval Europe. Some of the families included are de Genève, Batatzes, Orsini, Kotromanic, Argyros, Basarab and more.

    Crusader Kings II: Byzantine Unit Pack

    Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Byzantine Unit Pack. The Byzantine Unit Pack adds unique unit graphics in the Byzantine Empire and other Greek, Armenian or Georgian states.

    Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

    Key Features

    • Unique unit graphics for the Byzantine...
      Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome

      Die zweite Erweiterung des hochgelobten Strategie-RPG 'Crusader Kings II' konzentriert sich auf das byzantinische Reich. In der stark politischen Welt von Byzanz schmieden die Vasallen Intrigen. Sie haben sich in verschiedene Fraktionen verteilt und verbünden sich, um sich gegen Ihre Herrschaft aufzulehnen.

      'Legacy of Rome' enthält viele Neuerungen, um sie zu überlisten und Ihr Reich instand zu halten. Die letzten Atemzüge des römischen Reiches liegen in Ihren Händen!

      Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion

      Es ist das späte 13. Jahrhundert und Europa ist noch immer von der alles beherrschenden Mongolenhorde aus der Bahn geworfen. Als die Herren des Westens gerade aufatmen, droht eine weitere Gefahr am Horizont. Seltsame Schiffe mit gestreiften Schlangen und grinsenden Schädeln, Symbolen, die nie zuvor gesehen wurden, wurden überall entlang der atlantischen Küste gesichtet. Als die Sonne an den Ufern von Marokko, Portugal und Irland untergeht, nähert sich die größte Flotte, die je Segel...

      Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Rus

      Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Rus DLC contains three new songs, totaling almost 10 minutes, composed by the talented Andreas Waldetoft. These songs run while playing a Russian, Bulgarian or Alan ruler.

      • Land of the Rus
      • The Trade Route
      • Alexander Nevsky Rides to Battle
      Crusader Kings II: Russian Unit Pack

      Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Russian Unit Pack. The Russian Unit Pack adds unique unit graphics for the Russian and Alan cultures.

      Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

      Crusader Kings II: Russian Portraits

      Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Russian Portraits pack. Russian Portraits adds new clothing and thousands of unique face combinations for both male and female characters while playing Russian and Alan characters.

      Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

      Crusader Kings II: The Republic

      The Republic ist die 3. Erweiterung für das hochgelobte Strategie-/RPG-Spiel Crusader Kings II. In The Republic spielen Sie als Patrizier in einer der größten mittelalterlichen Handelsrepubliken. Vergrößern Sie Ihr Handelsimperium beim Spielen gegen die 4 anderen Patrizierfamilien um die begehrte Position des Dogen und die Führung in der Republik.

      Crusader Kings II erforscht eine der prägenden Perioden der Weltgeschichte durch ein Erlebnis gebaut von Paradox Development...

      Crusader Kings II: Songs of Prosperity

      Crusader Kings II: Songs of Prosperity DLC contains 3 new songs, totaling almost 10 minutes, composed by the talented Andreas Waldetoft. Listen to these songs while playing as a Republic.

      • A Tuscan Night
      • Florence
      • A Ballad for Maria
      Crusader Kings II: Mediterranean Portraits

      Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Mediterranean Portraits pack. Mediterranean Portraits adds new clothing and thousands of unique face combinations for both male and female characters while playing as Mediterranean Nations.

      Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

      Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods

      Europe is in turmoil. The land has been fragmented into petty fiefdoms. The Emperor is struggling with the Pope. The Holy Father declares that all who go to liberate the Holy Land will be freed of their sins.

      Now Is the Time For Greatness…

      Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods is the fourth expansion for the critically praised strategy/RPG. Finally play as a Pagan or Zoroastrian ruler, with particular focus on the dreaded Vikings. Pillage and adventure according to...

      Crusader Kings II: Norse Unit Pack

      Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Norse Unit Pack. The Norse Unit Pack adds unique graphics for countries in northern Europe including Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

      Expect beards, axes and that pagan feeling to terrify neighboring regions.

      Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones......

      Crusader Kings II: Norse Portraits

      Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Norse Portraits Pack. The Norse Portraits pack adds thousands of unique face combinations for northern Europe including Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

      Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

      Crusader Kings II: Hymns to the Old Gods

      Crusader Kings II: Hymns to the Old Gods contains four new songs, totaling almost 12 minutes, created by the talented composer Andreas Waldetoft.

      These grand songs run while playing as Norse characters to enhance the experience and atmosphere of the game. Andreas Waldetoft has been working on Paradox Development Studio games since Hearts of Iron II and Europa Universalis III.

      • We Are Norse - The Norse were feared warriors who raided, explored and settled large areas of...
        Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield III

        Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Dynasty Shields III DLC. This pack contains historically accurate Coat of Arms for 50 famous families of Medieval Europe. The Dynasty Shields III DLC pays special attention to the pagan families of The Old Gods, including Stenkil, Munsö, Crovan, Karen, Ylfing and many more.

        Crusader Kings II: Celtic Portraits

        Enhance your Crusader Kings II Experience with the Celtic Portraits pack. Celtic Portraits adds thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Celtic cultures. This including Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Breton characters.

        Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

        Crusader Kings II: Celtic Unit Pack

        Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Celtic Unit Pack. The Celtic Unit Pack adds unique graphics for the Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Breton armies.

        Although having adopted the arms and traditions of a new era, the roots of the Celtic warriors remain strong.

        Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and...

        Crusader Kings II: Europa Universalis IV Converter

        Crusader Kings II: Europa Universalis IV Converter enables the rulers of Crusader Kings II to continue their reign in the world of Europa Universalis IV.

        This save game converter will bring the rulers, religions, cultures and nations of a Crusader Kings II save game to Europa Universalis IV, allowing for hundreds of years of additional gameplay.

        This DLC requires Europa Universalis IV to play the converted save game.

        Crusader Kings II: Customization Pack

        Do you think your character has an ugly beard? Trim it! (And get a haircut while you're at it...) Want to change the name of your kingdom to 'Awesomia'? Do it. Does your faithful vassal have a stupid dynasty name or shield? Customize them! The Customization Pack allows you to alter all of these things in-game. It has no effect on gameplay, but perhaps on your peace of mind.

        Key Features

        • In-game barber shop: customize hair and beard.
        • Rename...
          Crusader Kings II: Warriors of Faith Unit Pack

          Crusader Kings II: Warriors of Faith Unit Pack includes unique unit graphics for Holy Orders and Warriors of Faith for non-Christian religions such as Islam, Norse, Zoastrians and Azteks.

          A total of eleven new unit models enhances the visual experience of Crusader Kings II when raising holy orders of the non-Christian religions.

          This unit pack contains Aztec Eagle Warriors, Jomsvikings, Zoastrian Immortals, Bektashi and many more.

          Crusader Kings II: Military Orders Unit Pack

          Crusader Kings II: Military Orders Unit Pack includes unique unit graphics for the Military Orders of the Christian faith.

          These new unit models, exclusively for the Christian Holy Orders, will enhance the visual experience of Crusader Kings II. This unit pack contains seven new unit models for any unit raised as a Christian Holy Order.

          Crusader Kings II: Hymns of Abraham

          Crusader Kings II: Hymns of Abraham contains two new songs, totaling almost 15 minutes, created by the talented composer Andreas Waldetoft.

          These grand songs run while playing as characters of the Abrahamic religions to enhance the players experience and the atmosphere of the game.
          Andreas Waldetoft has been working on Paradox Development Studio games since Hearts of Iron II and Europa Universalis III.

          Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham

          Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham is the fifth expansion for the critically praised strategy/RPG. Gameplay focuses on the Abrahamic religions; Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

          Get your bishops appointed cardinals and tap the might of the Papacy, borrow money from the Knights Templar and send troublesome relatives off to live out their days in a monastery. Sons of Abraham also introduces the Jewish religion and allows you to recreate the Kingdom of Israel and...

          Crusader Kings II: Saxon Unit Pack

          Crusader Kings II: Saxon Unit Pack
          Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Saxon Unit Pack. The Saxon Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Saxon rulers.

          Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

          Crusader Kings II: Finno-Ugric Unit Pack

          Crusader Kings II: Finno-Ugric Unit Pack
          Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Finno-Ugric Unit Pack. The Finno-Ugric Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Finnish, Lappish, Komi, Samoyed and Mordvin rulers.

          Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

          Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India

          Rise up from the ashes of turmoil and anarchy to rule over a land fragmented into petty fiefs. Now is the time to take control. Now is the time for greatness.

          Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India is the sixth expansion for the critically praised strategy/RPG Crusader Kings II and will focus on Eastern Persia and India. The expansion Rajas of India extends the map to the east, including the entire Indian subcontinent, and allows you to play as a Hindu, Buddhist or Jain ruler. Can you...

          Crusader Kings II: Turkish Unit Pack

          Crusader Kings II: Turkish Unit Pack
          Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Turkish Unit Pack. The Turkish Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Turkish rulers.

          Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...

          Crusader Kings II: Songs of India

          Crusader Kings II: Songs of India

          Crusader Kings II: Songs of India contains three new songs, totaling over 10 minutes, created by the talented composer Andreas Waldetoft.

          These grand songs run while playing as Indian characters to enhance the players experience and to enrichen the atmosphere of the game.
          Andreas Waldetoft has been working on Paradox Development Studio games since Hearts of Iron II and Europa Universalis III and has composed the...

          Crusader Kings II: Turkish Portraits

          Crusader Kings II: Turkish Portraits DLC
          Crusader Kings II: Turkish Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Turkish cultures, including Cumans, Khazar, Karluk, Pecheneg and Bolghar.

          Crusader Kings II: Persian Portraits

          Crusader Kings II: Persian Portraits DLC
          Crusader Kings II: Persian Portraits contains thousands of unique face combinations for male and female characters of the Persian culture.

          Crusader Kings II: Persian Unit Pack

          Crusader Kings II: Persian Unit Pack
          Enhance your Crusader Kings II experience with the Persian Unit Pack. The Persian Unit Pack adds seven new, unique unit models for Persian rulers.

          Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by the masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones...



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Crusader Kings II Collection Inhalte 42

Name: Releasedatum: Preis:
PCK Crusader Kings II: Mongol Faces 14. Feb 2012 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields 14. Feb 2012 1.99 ab € 1,26
PCK Crusader Kings II 14. Feb 2012 39.99 ab € 0,38
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion 18. Apr 2012 1.99 ab € 1,26
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land 18. Apr 2012 1.99 ab € 0,35
PCK Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer 18. Apr 2012 4.99 ab € 2,58
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith 18. Apr 2012 1.99 ab € 1,28
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Caliph 26. Jun 2012 1.99 ab € 1,15
PCK Crusader Kings II: African Unit Pack 26. Jun 2012 1.99 ab € 0,43
PCK Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam 26. Jun 2012 9.99 ab € 1,24
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of Byzantium 16. Okt 2012 0.99 ab € 0,89
PCK Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield II 16. Okt 2012 1.99 ab € 1,00
PCK Crusader Kings II: Byzantine Unit Pack 16. Okt 2012 1.99 ab € 0,19
PCK Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome 16. Okt 2012 4.99 ab € 1,38
PCK Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion 15. Nov 2012 4.99 ab € 0,19
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Rus 13. Dez 2012 1.99 ab € 1,47
PCK Crusader Kings II: Russian Unit Pack 13. Dez 2012 1.99 ab € 1,00
PCK Crusader Kings II: Russian Portraits 13. Dez 2012 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: The Republic 14. Jan 2013 9.99 ab € 1,85
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of Prosperity 15. Jan 2013 1.99 ab € 1,55
PCK Crusader Kings II: Mediterranean Portraits 15. Jan 2013 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods 28. Mai 2013 14.99 ab € 0,46
PCK Crusader Kings II: Norse Unit Pack 28. Mai 2013 1.99 ab € 0,63
PCK Crusader Kings II: Norse Portraits 28. Mai 2013 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Hymns to the Old Gods 28. Mai 2013 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shield III 25. Jun 2013 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Celtic Portraits 25. Jun 2013 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Celtic Unit Pack 25. Jun 2013 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Europa Universalis IV Converter 13. Aug 2013 9.99 ab € 1,61
PCK Crusader Kings II: Customization Pack 14. Aug 2013 4.99 ab € 2,19
PCK Crusader Kings II: Warriors of Faith Unit Pack 18. Nov 2013 1.99 ab € 1,70
PCK Crusader Kings II: Military Orders Unit Pack 18. Nov 2013 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Hymns of Abraham 18. Nov 2013 ab € 1,99
PCK Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham 18. Nov 2013 9.99 ab € 6,25
PCK Crusader Kings II: Saxon Unit Pack 14. Feb 2014 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Finno-Ugric Unit Pack 14. Feb 2014 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India 25. Mär 2014 14.99 ab € 3,01
PCK Crusader Kings II: Turkish Unit Pack 25. Mär 2014 1.99 ab € 1,70
PCK Crusader Kings II: Songs of India 25. Mär 2014 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Turkish Portraits 25. Mär 2014 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Persian Portraits 19. Mai 2014 1.99 ab € 1,79
PCK Crusader Kings II: Persian Unit Pack 19. Mai 2014 1.99 ab € 1,47

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