Cubotrox (PC)
Steam Key

Cubotrox Cover
  • Kategorien:
  • Publisher:
    Talking About Media
  • Entwickler:
    The Barberians Game Studio
  • Releasedatum:
    11. Nov 2016 (vor 8 Jahren)
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Steam Key
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Cubotrox (Steam Global)
Steam Key
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Steam Key
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€ 1,44
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Steam Key
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CUBOTROX - CATCH, DROP AND ROTATE CUBES TO SOLVE RETRO-FUTURISTIC NEON PUZZLES What’s exactly Cubotrox? Cubotrox is an addictive puzzle game that challenges you to complete pixel art images by managing falling neon-colored cubes. Catch, drop and rotate your way to victory in a game with retro-futuristic neon visuals and synth-retro-wave music that excels at being “easy to play, hard to master”.

EASY MECHANICS THAT ADD UP TO KILLER MIND-BREAKING CHALLENGES The game can be summed up in a real easy way: you have pixel art images that must be completed by managing some neon-colored cubes that are constantly appearing from all sides of the screen. You must manage these cubes to complete the image. Mechanics are rather simple: catch, drop and rotate the cubes and rotate all the screen. But as you progress you start to face increasing challenges related to the limited time, the management of the cubes, the frequency of the cubes’ fall, etc. But there’s no use on explaining this: go play the game. By minute 1 you will say “hehe, this is stupidly simple”; but by minute 20 you will be fully engaged and screaming “damn! I didn’t think of that! Let’s re-start this level AGAIN!”. Believe us: you will end admitting that Cubotrox is a masterclass on “easy to play, hard to master”.

A BEAUTIFUL ENDLESS STREAM OF PIXEL ART Cubotrox’ puzzles are comprised by pixel art images that must be completed through cube management. Don’t fool ourselves: there’s an ongoing pixel art craze and we’re not trying to fight against it. We love pixel art and Cubotrox is like an interactive pixel art gallery where every piece is turned into a puzzle to be solved. And it also is a HUGE pixel art gallery: +100 levels to be played and even an endless mode (coming soon) that dares you to find your skills’ limit. Get better at Cubotrox and rotate your way to the first positions in a global world ranking for both level and endless modes.

LET’S TURN GREAT INDIE GAMES INTO AWESOME PUZZLES! So we were building this kick-ass pixel art library when we realized the only way of making it really perfect was by adding some of our favorite beauties. We contacted pixel artists and gamedevs we admire to ask them for permission to add their creations to our games. It turns out to be that the indie community is freaking cool and most of them agreed almost instantly.
So now we have proudly included levels based on games we love such as Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon, Elliot Quest, They Bleed Pixels, Crypt of the Necrodancer, and many more!

ALL ABOUT THE GAME FEEL // WHY THIS TEXT IS ALMOST USELESS Let’s be brutally honest: this text is almost useless. And why is that? Because Cubotrox is ALL bite and no bark. Damn, see the our video: it is just little cubes being rotated and dropped at seemingly simple pixel-art images. We know. All people start by being a bit skeptical with Cubotrox because of its perceived simplicity but almost all those people ends addicted to it once they start playing the game. Because Cubotrox isn’t something that you can explain in a text or even through a video: Cubotrox is a feeling you get once you start playing, when the increasing difficult challenges are mixed with the retro-futuristic neon visuals and the synth-retro-wave music. It’s a great feeling that slowly secludes you in the hypnotic world of Cubotrox. So, please, stop reading this and just start playing: you will see we’re all about game feel.


  • +100 levels and endless mode (coming soon) - Cubotrox is a huge pixel art gallery with tons of puzzles comprised by pixel art images that must be completed.
  • Global World Rankings - Beating lots of levels isn’t the only challenge in Cubotrox. You might refine your Cubotrox skills and get a spot on the renowned global world rankings!
  • Retro-futuristic Neon visual style - The mix of pixel art and neon colored cubes creates some kick-ass 80s vibes.
  • Synth-retro-wave music - Cubotrox keep the 80s vibes coming by also killing it with awesome music tracks.
  • Innovative gameplay - Cubotrox presents seemingly simple mechanics that add up to really challenging puzzles in a new way. A true innovative experience that excels at being “easy to play, hard to master”.
  • Absolute Game Feel - to sum up: visuals, music and mechanics become a powerful combo that translates into a masterful and hypnotic game feel that makes Cubotrox truly addictive.

Who’s Behind “Cubotrox”? – About “The Barberians Game Studio” I am Jose Barberà Pastor, an indie video game developer, from Valencia (Spain). I am game designer, programmer and artist, as my brother Toni helps me with other tasks like promotion, PR, social media… We are known as “The Barberians Game Studio”

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  1. Klicke oben im Hauptmenü den Menüpunkt "Spiele" und wähle anschließend "Ein Produkt bei Steam aktivieren...".

  2. Im neuen Fenster klickst du nun auf "Weiter". Bestätige dann mit einem Klick auf "Ich stimme zu" die Steam-Abonnementvereinbarung.

  3. Gebe in das "Produktschlüssel"-Feld den Key des Spiels ein, welches du aktivieren möchtest. Du kannst den Key auch mit Copy&Paste einfügen. Anschließend auf "Weiter" klicken und das Spiel wird deinem Steam-Account hinzugefügt.

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