Dead by Daylight - The 80's Suitcase DLC (PC)
Steam Key

Dead by Daylight - The 80's Suitcase Cover
  • Kategorie:
  • Publisher:
    Starbreeze Studios
  • Entwickler:
    Behaviour Digital Inc.
  • Releasedatum:
    23. Sep 2016 (vor 8 Jahren)


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Our five dear victi… friends, have decided that if they were to be savagely murdered, they might as well do it with style!

The Silo is one of the oldest buildings that made up Coldwind farm. It stood for over fifty years before the great storm of 1984 brought the ancient structure crashing down. It was only several days later that local police discovered the twelve bodies buried in the ruins. The coach they had been traveling in was forced off the road by the storm. The passengers had taken refuge in the old building.

Investigators found that a severed central beam, probably snapped by the ferocity of the wind, was the cause of the tragedy. The victims’ remains were hideous crushed, buried deep in wreckage, their twisted bodies mashed together under the weight of the collapse. Only the grim slurry that oozed out from the base made locating the victims possible.

It is only recently that a sealed suitcase full of clothes emerged from the ruins and was found by a group of happy few (...soon to be fewer). A welcome change as well as a tribute to the golden age of slashers.

Dress your favourite survivor with iconic pieces of fashion from the 80’s!
The 80’s Suitcase includes :

- The Tartan Special Top, The Skull Print Top, the Siberian Tiger Legs, the Stripes of Power and the Ripped Leggings, for Nea

- The Patches Denim Jacket, the Ripped Jeans and the Leather Pants, for Jake

- The College Letterman, the Hooded Training Top, the Sports Leggings and the Mauve Presentation Pants, for Meg

- The Two-tone Coat, the Electric Jacket, the Pale Jeans and the Red Flash Boots, for Claudette

- The Surf Tones and Dwight Cubed t-shirts, the Brown Slacks and the Watermelon Pants, for Dwight.

Dead by Daylight ist eine Handelsmarke von Behaviour Interactive Inc. Alle anderen Handelsmarken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber. Entwickelt von Behaviour Digital und publiziert von Starbreeze Studios. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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