Deadly 30

Publisher:Headup Games
Entwickler:Ignatus Zuk and Gonzalo Villagomez
Releasedatum:08. Jan 2014 (vor 11 Jahren)

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Can you survive the horror?
… a retro-style survival horror game developed by the two-man indie team of Gonzossm and Iggy Zuk. Survive 30 days and nights in a zombie-infested world by recruiting companions, upgrading weaponry and fortifying your position.
Deadly 30 is a retro-style survival horror game developed by the two-man indie team of Gonzossm and Iggy Zuk.
Survive 30 days and nights in a zombie-infested world where you can recruit companions, upgrade weaponry, and fortify your position to fight waves of hungry zombies. During the day, you can gather resources, enhance your base's defenses, and explore your surroundings for useful items in order to prepare for fighting relentless waves of zombie attacks. (Hint: Don't get caught outside your base after dark.)
Three different playable characters, A.I. controlled Team Combat and upgradeable weaponry and defenses help keep you alive as you attempt to eradicate the zombie hordes and survive 30 deadly nights.
Good luck! (You'll need it when all hell breaks loose.)
- Elements of tower defense and retro Contra style gameplay.
- Three different characters, playable at the same time.
- A.I. controlled team combat
- Unique upgradable weaponry for each of your soldiers.
- Enhance your base for better defenses.
- Gruesome different enemies and deadly weapons.
- Tactical planning is required or you will learn to fear the dark!
Fullscreen mode and achievements only supported in PC version!
Check out the artist who created all of these nighttime terrors at:
Or the crazy mind of Iggy Zuk, who created this indie-horror masterpiece at:
- Betriebssystem: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
- Prozessor: 2.33GHz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 512 MB RAM
- Grafik: DirectX 9.0; 128MB of graphics memory
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Speicherplatz: 50 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Betriebssystem: Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later
- Prozessor: 2.33GHz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 512 MB RAM
- Grafik: 128MB of graphics memory
- Speicherplatz: 100 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: No fullscreen mode available on Mac
- Betriebssystem: Ubuntu 12.04 (32-bit only)
- Prozessor: 2.33GHz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 512 MB RAM
- Grafik: 128MB of graphics memory
- Speicherplatz: 50 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: No fullscreen mode available on Linux
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