EEP 12 (PC)
Steam Key

EEP 12 Cover
  • Kategorie:
  • Publisher:
    Trend Redaktions- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
  • Entwickler:
    Trend Redaktions- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
  • Releasedatum:
    21. Jan 2016 (vor 9 Jahren)
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EEP 12 jetzt günstig als Steam Key kaufen. Vergleiche die Preise aller Keyshops und spare beim Kauf eines EEP 12 Game Keys.

EEP eisenbahn.exe ist die vielseitigste, realistischste und meist verkaufte Aufbau- und Steuerungs-Simulation für den PC. Entwickelt und ständig weiter verbessert von Eisenbahnfans für Eisenbahnfans bietet EEP für die Gestaltung Ihrer virtuellen Bahnwelt eine einzigartige Spieltiefe, unerreichte Detailtreue und endliche Möglichkeiten.

EEP 12 bietet Ihnen nun neue einzigartige Extras: atemberaubende Hintergründe und importierbare Fahrpläne. Darüber hinaus wurden zahlreiche Userwünsche aufgegriffen und umgesetzt, die die Bedienbarkeit entscheidend verbessern. Viele neue Lua-Funktionen bieten den Fans von ausgefeilten Steuerungen fantastische Möglichkeiten, diese umzusetzen. Für EEP-Einsteiger gibt es einen komplett neuen Video-Workshop. Dieser wird Ihnen den Einstieg in die Welt von EEP enorm erleichtern.

Neuerungen in EEP 12:

  • Importierbare Fahrpläne
  • Neue Horizontebenen zur Erstellung atemberaubender Kulissen
  • Voll funktionsfähige Ampelkreuzungen
  • Neue Lua-Funktion, wie Gleisbesetztmeldungen, Kamerasteuerung
  • Top-Modell: Kompletter Rheingold-Zug mit vorgespannter Dampflok der BR 18.5

Bewährtes in EEP 12:

  • Zahlreiche originalgetreue Fahrzeuge
  • Ausgefeiltes Signalsystem
  • Steuerbare Führerstände
  • Kinematisch animierte Menschen & Tiere
  • Dynamisches Wetter
  • Automatischer Tag-/Nacht- Wechsel

10 gute Gründe für EEP:

  • Einfacher Einstieg mit Video-Tutorials
  • Deutschlands führende Eisenbahn-Simulation für den PC
  • Aufbau- und Steuerungssimulation mit allen Verkehrswegen
  • Mehr als 17 Jahre Erfahrung und Eisenbahn-Kompetenz
  • Mehrfach ausgezeichnet z.B. durch die Fachpresse
  • Unerreichte Spieltiefe, unendliche Möglichkeiten
  • Eigener Onlineshop mit 40.000 3D-Modellen
  • Über 100 Experten entwickeln EEP stetig weiter
  • EEP macht aus Nutzern Freunde
  • Made in Germany
Software provision AGREEMENT ============================ between Trend Redaktions- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Pearl Str.1 -3, 79426 Buggingen , Germany and you as the user . § 1 Object of the contract This software product and related materials are copyrighted. Part of this agreement is the licensing of this software product you . All rights not expressly granted by this Agreement remain TREND reserved. § 2 Scope of use / Obligations of the user 1 TREND grants the user the non-exclusive and perpetual right to use the above Software program - in the following: - to use as well as accompanying material in the form of program description and operating software. An additional acquisition of rights is not connected to this right of use granted . Trend especially reserves all dissemination, reproduction, and publication rights. 2 This right is limited to the purchased version, i.e. new versions must be re-licensed, this does not apply patches provided by TREND. 3 This right is limited to the object code of the software program. Trend is not obligated to provide the user with the source code available. The user is prohibited from , reverse the object code of the software (reengineering ), reassemble or edit in any other way or to alter . 4 The granting of the license entitles the user to install and run the software on a single computer only , and only in a single location . If this computer is part of a multi-user system, the right of use applies to all authorized users of this system. 5 The software may not be used by remote data transmission. The transfer in physical form (ie stored on disk ) from one computer to another computer, provided that the software is only ever used on a single computer, allowed. 6 Disclosure to third parties while retaining the use of options, in any form, is, unless TREND no written consent to be excluded. § 2, 5 S.2 is excluded. The user is obliged to prevent the unauthorized access to the program and the documentation by appropriate measures. The original disk supplied and the backup copies are kept in a third party against the unauthorized access secure place . Any employee of the user are additional emphasis on compliance with the terms of this agreement and of copyright. 7 The user may not sell or give away the Software and accompanying materials on a permanent basis to third parties, provided that the acquiring third party agrees to these Terms and Conditions and agree to the user enters all the rights and opportunities in the Software and Documentation on . 8 The duplication of the software is prohibited unless the reproduction for the use of the program is necessary. These include the installation of the software from the disk to the hard disk and the downloading or printing of data from the running application for personal use only . Exempted from the reproduction right is also the creation of a backup cop , so far as is necessary for the contractually intended solely for personal use, to ensure future uses of the software. 9 The translation of the software is prohibited. 10 A serving present in the software copy protection, copyright notice, recorded in their registration numbers or other program- identification features may not be removed. Any special (usage or registration) regulations regarding your product, please consult the manual. The provisions of this software license agreement shall not be affected in principle by the rules in the manual and remain fully exist except in case of non -compliance . In this case, the rules in the manual shall prevail. § 3 Warranty 1 The user knows that software programs can not be created completely free of errors . Only those errors in the software , which significantly reduce its value or suitability for the contractually stipulated use , undertake trend on the warranty. The warranty applies only to material defects for delivered products trend in terms of this contract. Trend has unlimited liability for damages due to defects in title. 2 The statutory limitation period for warranty claims is two years and begins with the delivery of the software. In this period, all defects which are subject to the legal warranty corrected free of charge . Warranty claims are limited to subsequent. In the subsequent performance fails , there is the option of the user between the right to cancel the contract or reduce the purchase price. No oral or written information about the suitability and application of our goods are not to be regarded as a guarantee of the properties, but merely as buying guides. 3 Trend liable for damages arising from injury to life, body or health, based on a negligent breach of duty on the part of trend or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of trend , as well as for other damages based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty on the part of trend or an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of trend based , however, for any fault in damages based on a breach of contract . Any further liability for damages , regardless of the legal reason , is excluded. This does not affect the liability for damages due to lack of assured properties as well as product liability law. 4 The liability for damages which do not exist in the injury of life, body or health, is limited to damages that are generally typically must be expected. This limitation of liability also applies if trend violated a contractual obligation is negligently. 5 It is up to the user to determine the destination to use the Software and the selection of appropriate hardware / computer types. For this trend does not guarantee. § 4 Duration of the contract 1 The contract is for an indefinite time. 2 The right of the User to use the Software expires if the user violates the conditions laid down in this agreement terms and conditions. In this case, the user is obliged to return the disk provided by Trend available including accompanying material trend , as well as the software and then completely remove all files created with his help on the computer unit that they can not be recovered and , at the request of trend to insure the destruction by an affidavit . 3 The proper use of the Software and accompanying materials is a prerequisite for the rights granted under this Treaty rights . If you think the users here against, ends his authorization of use without the need for termination of the contract. § 5 Other agreements 1 If the user is not a consumer, any ancillary agreements, changes or amendments to this agreement in writing. 2 The German law applies. 3 For contracts with merchants, trading companies, legal entities under public law or public law special funds and in the event that the customer is not a consumer, his general place of jurisdiction in Germany has not , the place of jurisdiction is agreed Freiburg . 4 Our general business and general site conditions. 5 If any provision of this Agreement or future recorded in him provisions to be wholly or partly invalid , the contract shall remain valid and in place of the ineffective regulations will then be agreed, the economic interest of the parties to such arrangements. Of May 2010 Adress: Trend Redaktions- und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Pearl -Str. 1-3 , D- 79426 Buggingen; Phone no. 07631-360-500 , Fax: 07631-360-599 ; ID: . DE142476761 HRB-Nr . 347 mu Amtsgericht Freiburg

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