Huge Enemy - Worldbreakers (PC)
Steam Key

Huge Enemy - Worldbreakers Cover
  • Kategorien:
  • Publisher:
    Huge Enemy Production, Plug In Digital
  • Entwickler:
    Huge Enemy Production
  • Releasedatum:
    07. Sep 2018 (vor 6 Jahren)
1 Angebot:
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€ 3,92
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Huge Enemy - Worldbreakers is a side-scrolling Shootem'Em Up that takes place in a rich environment designed in Full HD. Immerse yourself in a Dark Sci-Fi universe with Japanese influences.

Fight huge bosses on multiple fields of depth.
Escape from bullets and enemies by using the dodge action. Perform paybacks and regenerate your life-bar by absorbing your opponent's energy.

Use your joypad's twinstick or play with your mouse and keyboard to move freely and shoot anywhere on the screen.


  • Eleven playable levels including two survival challenges and a speedrun
  • Longplay
  • Fourteen animated end-level bosses
  • Up to 25 000 ennemies displayed by level
  • Quantities of pyrotechnic effects for shots and explosions
  • High définition "Pixel Art" for a modern and very detailed design


  • Dodge into the background to avoid bullets and ennemies
  • Shoot into the foreground and also into the background
  • Payback function, perform dazzling counter-strikes when hit
  • Reshield to regenerate your life while fighting bosses


  • Master your flight skills in the training room


  • Define your style by chosing an offensive or defensive payback
  • Chose your tactic in the Dashboard before any level and before any boss encounter


  • Chose between two different kind of spaceships
  • Four weapons available and upgradable to five levels
  • Use three Mega Weapons anytime
  • Enhance your weapons by collecting money and spending it at any checkpoint


  • Twenty two original and intense tracks for more than sixty minutes of listening
  • Each level has his own musical signature with styles melting electro-rock, jazz and symphonic music
  • Spatial sound effects for a better control of fightings


  • Unlock twenty Steam successes to win avatars and more game money
  • Replay the levels to strengthen your arsenal
  • Play the game in hard mode to discover hidden elements
  • Compete with other players by marking your name on the Online Leaderboard
HUGE ENEMY WORLDBREAKERS software © 2014 HUGE ENEMY PRODUCTION SAS. Developed by HUGE ENEMY PRODUCTION. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. HUGE ENEMY WORLDBREAKERS LOGO, SHIELD, LOGO, HUGE ENEMY, and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © HUGE ENEMY PRODUCTION SAS. (s15)

  • Betriebssystem: Windows 7
  • Prozessor: Intel i3
  • Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Speicherplatz: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • Betriebssystem: Windows 10
  • Prozessor: Intel i7
  • Arbeitsspeicher: 12 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Speicherplatz: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • Betriebssystem: MAC OS X El Capitan
  • Prozessor: Intel i3
  • Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
  • Speicherplatz: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • Betriebssystem: MAC OS X High-Sierra
  • Prozessor: Intel i7
  • Arbeitsspeicher: 12 GB RAM
  • Speicherplatz: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • Betriebssystem: SteamOS
  • Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
  • Speicherplatz: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • Betriebssystem: SteamOS
  • Arbeitsspeicher: 12 GB RAM
  • Speicherplatz: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz


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  1. Klicke oben im Hauptmenü den Menüpunkt "Spiele" und wähle anschließend "Ein Produkt bei Steam aktivieren...".

  2. Im neuen Fenster klickst du nun auf "Weiter". Bestätige dann mit einem Klick auf "Ich stimme zu" die Steam-Abonnementvereinbarung.

  3. Gebe in das "Produktschlüssel"-Feld den Key des Spiels ein, welches du aktivieren möchtest. Du kannst den Key auch mit Copy&Paste einfügen. Anschließend auf "Weiter" klicken und das Spiel wird deinem Steam-Account hinzugefügt.

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Das Ganze kannst du dir auch als kleines Video ansehen.

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