Legends of Time (PC)
Steam Key

Legends of Time Cover
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€ 4,99
Steam Store
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Legends of Time
Steam Key
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Daten vom 22.02.2025 04:26
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There are many history books on legends, but none more legendary then the Nostradamacon!

Never heard of the Nostradamacon you say?

Well, many years ago there was an incident that nearly brought about a cataclysmic event that could end all time, it all began with a man gifted with the ability to predict the future, his name was Nostradamus. As many believed his abilities to be a gift, he felt it to only be a burden as he saw far beyond his own time and long before it but could do nothing to prevent anything from happening. Many of his predictions are now controversially famous for being as accurate as they are without any explanation to how he made them. Nostradamus kept his all his major predictions in a book and kept it locked away in the hopes that they would never come true nor fall into the wrong hands, this book was called the Nostradamacon.


Legends of Time is currently a local split-screen multiplayer couch hack and slash where you cooperatively work with friends to take on waves of enemies with a handful of lives. Play as one of four playable characters each with their own unique stats to match your play style. You will also be able to explore the world as it is being developed and check out upcoming level designs.

Early Access goals
(Features that do not exist yet)

-Unlockable Weapon components.
-Weapon customization.
-Unlockable levels.
-Single player/co-op story campaign
-Versus mode
-LAN multiplayer

Screenshots & Videos


 Um einen Key bei Steam einzulösen, benötigst du zunächst ein Benutzerkonto bei Steam. Dieses kannst du dir auf der offiziellen Website einrichten. Im Anschluss kannst du dir auf der Steam Webseite direkt den Client herunterladen und installieren. Nach dem Start von Steam kannst du den Key wie folgt einlösen:

  1. Klicke oben im Hauptmenü den Menüpunkt "Spiele" und wähle anschließend "Ein Produkt bei Steam aktivieren...".

  2. Im neuen Fenster klickst du nun auf "Weiter". Bestätige dann mit einem Klick auf "Ich stimme zu" die Steam-Abonnementvereinbarung.

  3. Gebe in das "Produktschlüssel"-Feld den Key des Spiels ein, welches du aktivieren möchtest. Du kannst den Key auch mit Copy&Paste einfügen. Anschließend auf "Weiter" klicken und das Spiel wird deinem Steam-Account hinzugefügt.

Danach kann das Produkt direkt installiert werden und befindet sich wie üblich in deiner Steam-Bibliothek.

Das Ganze kannst du dir auch als kleines Video ansehen.

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