Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation (PC)
Steam Key

Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation Cover
  • Kategorien:
  • Publisher:
    Project Moon
  • Entwickler:
    Project Moon
  • Releasedatum:
    16. Dez 2016 (vor 8 Jahren)


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Administrator and monsters, you cannot possibly imagine.

Lobotomy Corp is a Monster Management Rogue-Lite Simulation game.

Our game was inspired by the monsters from game and movies such as SCP series, Cabin in the woods and Warehouse 13.

Furthermore, it was developed from the thought of “What if those monsters were real and your job is to manage them”.

You will be playing as an administrator of the company which is in management of such creatures. These monsters generates a new energy source, and your job is to collect them through giving out to your subordinates. Through this process, you can open up new departments that facility allows and encounter various monsters.

In the game, the player will have to go through the company’s fear and tension filled atmosphere.

“Our new technology will bring salvation to the human race.” Lobotomy Corporation

Lobotomy corporation is a newly established energy company that extracts infinite amount of entropy through the isolation of abnormality with our self developed technology. This is only an impression that the public has regarding our company. You will see its reality after you have joined us.An existence you constantly have to examine and observe. Abnormaility

An existence you constantly have to examine and observe.

We have decided to call the monsters in Lobotomy as ‘Abnormality’.

They are mysterious beings born out of human’s basic nature of fear. They appear in myths, urban legends, fairy tails and folktales. Not much is know about these creatures. They are very difficult to categorize since there are creatures that are gentle and mean humans no harm, whereas others show aggressive attitude towards the human. Beings that appear simple, which they never are. Employees

You will give out many instructions to your subordinates in order to manage Abnormality in a most appropriate way. Your employees play many important roles in the game. Some of them are in charge of managing Abnormality’s whereas other’s are in charge of taking care on our facility.

However, you should not think of them as perfect beings. We tried our best to design the employee’s AI as close to human as possible. Which means that they will act based on their own personal values and characteristics. This game is NOT a tycoon. Work

You will have to try your best to keep your employees out of danger while keeping the energy extraction level at its maximum.One disaster will cause another, and it will lead everything into chaos. Emergency

As mentioned before, Abnormality is a creature that should be handled with extreme alert. Some of them might doesn’t like the idea of humans keeping them locked up in chambers. They will try to escape when they have a chance and when they do, they will destroy everything. Be it our employees or the facility. If you do not stop them instantly, the situation will get out of hand and fall int chaos. When this situation does occur, you will have to decide whether you will gather employees to recapture the Abnormality, or destroy some part of the facility with explosives to secure the company’s safety. “Do you have any wishes, administrator?” Story

Lobotomy corporation is divided into work procedure and the story mode. In work procedure, you will be doing your job as the company’s administrator managing the Abnormality and the energy generation level. A game’s story will follow right afterwards. You will have short conversation with many people such as Angela the AI and other employees. Furthermore, the player will be placed in a situation where they have to answer or ask questions. You can also discover secrets surrounding the company and the player.

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