Lost Shipwreck

Publisher:Blueplant Entertainment
Entwickler:Blueplant Entertainment
Releasedatum:29. Sep 2017 (vor 7 Jahren)

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You wrecked on a deserted island, alone and desperate to survive, you will have to get food, water and build your shelter.
Find a well place to build your shelter with sticks and branches, beware from the dangerous animals of the island, take coconuts from the palms for drink and hunt some animals for eat, or look for some fruits if you dont like hunt animals.
Swim in the ocean and see the beautiful underwater ecosystem, beware of snakes bites and also the attack from the wolfs.
- Survive on 3 different islands, desert, dry forest, and rainforest. Each island has it own diversity.
Many animal species, including: fishes, sharks, reptiles, birds, rabbits, bears, wolfs, etc. - Fishing and hunting.
You will able to hunt animals with weapons like a bow or a axe, and also you can catch some fishes with a spear. - Cooking.
Cook your fish or meat of the animal to the warm fire of the bonfire. - Surf in the ocean with rafts.
Craft a raft with sticks and ropes and use it to explore and surf in the big ocean - Crafting.
Craft primitive tools for get resources and for defend against wild animals. - Night and Day Cycle.
Day and night will pass, assuming a challenge to survive both in daylight and in the dark of the night.Each day will have different possibilities of weather, it can be sunny or rainy. - Chop trees.
First you will start with nothing and have to chop small trees,then you will need to make tools for chop bigger trees . - Building System.
Build shelters, walls, and also a house with the basic and modular building system. - Look for hidden treasures in the depths.
- Player stats system, with hunger, thirst, health, energy and sleepiness.
- Creative Construction Mode.
Design and build your own constructions with the island's resources.
If you like to explore nature, swim in the ocean, explore the depths of the sea, know different species of animals and fish, this game is for you !!.
The interface of the game is simple, so it will be easy and fast to learn to play this game.
- Betriebssystem: Windows 7,8,10 -32/64bit
- Prozessor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz / AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
- Grafik: Graphic Card with shader model 3 or higher
- DirectX: Version 10
- Speicherplatz: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: DirectX compatible sound card
- Betriebssystem: Windows 7, 8, 10- 32/64bit
- Prozessor: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
- Grafik: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980/ R9 270x - 4GB VRAM
- DirectX: Version 11
- Speicherplatz: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: DirectX compatible sound card
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