PAYDAY 2: Gage Assault Pack DLC (PC)
Steam Key

PAYDAY 2: Gage Assault Pack Cover
  • Kategorien:
  • Publisher:
    505 Games
  • Entwickler:
    OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
  • Releasedatum:
    04. Sep 2014 (vor 10 Jahren)


€ 1,58
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€ 3,39
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PAYDAY 2: Gage Assault Pack (Steam Global)
Steam Key
Lieferzeit: bis zu 24 Stunden
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€ 3,54
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When plan A is not an option.

The Gage Assault Pack DLC is the tenth DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds an arsenal of assault weapons to the PAYDAY gang to control the chaos of the battlefield.

Three new assault rifles, four new melee weapons, the return of the GL40 grenade launcher, a host of mods, four new masks, patterns and materials are also included.

Key Features

New hardware has arrived – High velocity rifles, perfect when the shit hits the fan. The Clarion rifle is a 5.56mm assault rifle with a bullpup configuration. The Gecko is a real battlefield work horse and has plenty of mods. The Gewehr 3 is a 7.62x51mm battle rifle is a hugely popular weapon, used by armed forces in over 40 countries.

Blast from the past – Say hello to an old friend! The Thumper, The Blooper, The Ex-wife, whatever you call it, the 40mm breech-loaded, break-action GL40 grenade launcher is back with a thump and a boom.

Four new melee weapons – Includes the bayonet, a battlefield classic. The Bullseye hatchet, made from a single piece of forged surgical steel with rubberized handle. The X-46 knife, as useful in a warzone as it is in an emergency. Last but not least - the Ding Dong breaching tool. You will probably use it for everything but breaching things.

Four new masks – Inspired by comic book super villains with awesome super powers and evil intent, immerse yourself with the masks of Professor Wrath, Volt, Crow Goblin and Black Death!

Four new materials and patterns – You can't take over the world without looking fabulous. Enjoy new materials and patterns such as Emperor, Vicious, Death and Muerte!

10 new achievements to unlock – Right when you thought you had completed all of the achievements we pull you right back in with 10 new and exciting ones that will surely test your mettle.

PAYDAY 2 is a trademark of Starbreeze AB. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Developed by OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio and published by 505 Games. All rights reserved.

  • OS:Windows XP SP3
  • Processor:2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 (256MB minimum)
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:13 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • OS:Windows XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7
  • Processor:2.3 GHz Intel Quad Core Processor
  • Memory:3 GB RAM
  • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GTX460/ATI Radeon HD 5850 (512MB minimum)
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:13 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible

Screenshots & Videos


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Auch im Paket / Bundle erhältlich 1

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