PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack

Publisher:505 Games
Entwickler:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.
Releasedatum:13. Aug 2013 (vor 11 Jahren)

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PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack jetzt günstig als Steam Key kaufen. Vergleiche die Preise aller Keyshops und spare beim Kauf eines PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack Game Keys.
PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack is the first DLC pack and the first soundtrack for PAYDAY 2. It includes a collection of 22 MP3 tracks made by OVERKILL's celebrated composer Simon Viklund. As PAYDAY 2 grows, the official soundtrack grows with it, and new tracks are added for free. The community made Poetry Jam masks are now available in-game for everyone who owns this soundtrack through Steam. Additional music can be downloaded for free at our official Bandcamp website here.
Track List
- 1. Mayhem Dressed in a Suit 03:08
- 2. Master Plan 03:30
- 3. Time Window 02:38
- 4. Black Yellow Moebius 03:40
- 5. The Mark 06:54
- 6. Full Force Forward 04:10
- 7. Tick Tock 02:50
- 8. Fuse Box 03:28
- 9. Razormind 04:35
- 10. Calling all Units 02:42
- 11. Where's the Van?! 02:46
- 12. Hard Time 04:10
- 13. Clean Getaway 03:18
- 14. Mayhem Dressed in a Suit (remix) 02:36
- 15. Let's Go Shopping! 03:01
- 16. Armed to the Teeth 05:59
- 17. Sirens in the Distance 04:06
- 18. Wanted Dead or Alive 03:39
- 19. Death Wish 03:10
- 20. Shadows and Trickery 04:43
- 21. And Now We Wait 04:17
- 22. Ode to Greed 03:12
• Make your own remix – PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack includes remix material so you can make your own PAYDAY 2-inspired music!
• Please note – The PAYDAY 2: Official Soundtrack will be placed in your PAYDAY 2 folder in the Steam Directory: ...Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY2\PAYDAY 2 the SoundtrackCredits
- Track 1 by Gustaf Grefberg, bass and guitar by Simon Viklund
- Track 2-13 and 15-22 by Simon Viklund
- Track 14 by Gustaf Grefberg, remixed by Simon Viklund
- Additional synth programming on track 11 by Ulf Andersson
- All tracks mixed by Simon Viklund
- All tracks mastered by Ulf Andersson and Simon Viklund
Bonus Content
• Poetry Jam masks added – The PAYDAY community had a Poetry Jam competition where four lucky community members got to design their very own masks together with OVERKILL. These four masks are now available in-game for everyone who owns this soundtrack through Steam.
• Poetry Jam materials added – Four new materials have been added to the game based on the design from the winners of the Poetry Jam.
• Poetry Jam patterns added – Four new patterns were also made and added to the game based on the design from the winners of the Poetry Jam.
• New music added for free on Steam and Bandcamp – PAYDAY 2: The Official Soundtrack was initially a collection of 15 tracks. As PAYDAY 2 has grown, the soundtrack has grown with it and new tracks have been added for free to everyone who owns the soundtrack. Right now there are 22 tracks that can be enjoyed by everyone who buys the soundtrack!
• I'm A Wild One (single) by Pat Briscoe for free on Bandcamp – Enjoy the country superstar Pat Briscoe's first single, known from the Armored Transport trailer. Now available for all heisters to download on our official Bandcamp website. Just click the picture above and you'll be directly taken to the track.
• Drifting (single) by Pat Briscoe for free on Bandcamp – Pat Briscoe is back! Enjoy his second single, known from the Dentist trailer. Now available for all heisters to download on our official Bandcamp website. Just click the picture above and you'll be directly taken to the track.
• Ode All'Avidità (single) by Simon Viklund for free on Bandcamp – OVERKILL's very own Simon Viklund has done it again! Like opera? Then you're going to love this. Download the Ode All'Avidità track for free, now available for all heisters to download on our official Bandcamp website. Just click the picture above and you'll be directly taken to the track.
- Speicherplatz: 621 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 571 MB RAM
- Arbeitsspeicher: 571 MB RAM
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Ein Steam Gift ist - wie der Name vermuten lässt - ein virtuelles Geschenk auf der Steam Plattform. Um ein Steam Geschenk empfangen zu können benötigst Du einen aktiven Steam-Account. Händler die Steam Geschenke verkaufen senden dir im Anschluss einen Link zur Steam-Seite auf dem du das Geschenk annehmen kannst.
Anschließend befindet sich das gekaufte Produkt wie üblich in deiner Steam-Bibliothek und ist bereit zum installieren und spielen.
Auch im Paket / Bundle erhältlich 1
Name: | Releasedatum: | Preis: | |
PCK | PAYDAY 2: GOTY Edition | 13. Aug 2013 | 45.99 ab € 11,37 |