peakvox Escape Virus HD (PC)
Steam Key

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    09. Nov 2016 (vor 8 Jahren)
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peakvox Escape Virus HD
Steam Key
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Escape Virus Reboooorn!

This game is the DNA's battle for survival between the Virus in the micro-world.
There is no rest and starting all over again if you got hit.
Keep your eyes on the screen!!
Also,it is compatible with the network ranking.
Let's try to compete with the world users!
Enjoy in five game modes.

Save your allies and to escape from viruses. Keep to avoid viruses even for your allies, if they touched viruses you get separated! Raise the multiplier depends on the length of DNA chains.

【Mode:radio control[Chaos]】
Almost the same mode as normal,but the operation has changed to radio control. DNA and items are increased, then a dramatic decrease in viruses !It's totally in chaos.
The point-addition is proportional to your speed. Go forward and forward without stopping!

No allies appear in horde mode.To take out viruses by immune bomb that can use continuation. The multiplier will be up when you could use the same immune bomb again and again.

Rescue 128 DNA allies in the larger screen version. Trying to break the shortest period of time! The screen is fixed. Be careful about the viruses bustle around.

This is 360-degree shooter mode with shootable DNA mutation.
Viruses also became enormous!

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