Primal Carnage Skin Bundle (PC)
Steam Key

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Primal Carnage Skin Bundle
Steam Key
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Daten vom 03.02.2025 00:28
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Primal Carnage - Dinosaur Skin Pack 1 DLC

This collection includes five brand-new skins for the dinosaur classes.


  • Plagued Carnosaurus
  • Inferno Raptor
  • Scorched Pteradon
  • Green Menace Dilophasaurus
  • Classic T-Rex
Primal Carnage - Pilot Commando DLC

Pilot Commando: This skin gives the Commando a pilot suit inspired from the new "Get To The Chopper" game mode.

Primal Carnage - Agent Trapper DLC

The Trapper gets a black tie ensemble and a new set of golden guns with this skin.

Primal Carnage - Experimental Dinosaur Skin Pack 2

This collection includes five brand-new skins for the dinosaur classes:

  • Leopard Spot Carnotaurus
  • Ivy Striped Raptor
  • Autumn Red Pteranodon
  • Poison Dart Dilophosaurus
  • Obsidian T-Rex
Primal Carnage - Dinosaur Skin Pack 3

Expand your prehistoric repertoire with five all new playable dinosaur skins in one handy bundle for Primal Carnage. Display your voracious skills proudly and let the whole world know what a prehistoric monster you truly are in the most glorious of style with:

  • “Blood Horn” Carnotaurus
  • “Snakeskin” Novaraptor
  • “Shadows Peak” Pteranodon
  • “Toxic Jungle” Dilophosaurus
  • “Harlequin” Tyrannosaurus

Take to the jungles...

Primal Carnage - Dinobuster Skin

Are you troubled by scratching noises in the middle of the night?

Have you experienced woodworm in your basement or attic?

Have you or any of your family ever seen a rat, roach or bat on your property?

If the answer is yes then don’t wait another minute, pick up the phone and call the “professional”…

Meet Angus, the DINOBUSTER!

Primal Carnage - Oviraptor - Premium

The Oviraptor Premium skin pack includes 2 variants for the Raptor dinosaur class.

“Blue-Jewelled” Oviraptor

STEALTH DINOSAURS! Sometimes what you think is a good idea in your head turns out to be a pretty stupid idea when you actually put it into practice. Making a completely black feathered Dinosaur for the purposes of invisible stealth purposes seemed like a good idea when it was first conceived, however when they disappeared from sight during every field...

Primal Carnage - Tupandactylus - Premium

Tupandactylus Premium Pack includes 2 variants for the Pteranodon Dinosaur Class.

“Crimson Crested” Tupandactylus
The Tupandactylus, or more commonly referred to as “Tupa” as nobody outside of the science labs could pronounce it correctly, was never actually intended to be cloned at all. There was in fact a mix-up with the deliveries and a specimen marked as “Tapejara” turned out not to be so. The situation was not helped when the lab boys tried to educate...

Primal Carnage - Cryolophosaurus - Premium - 2 Pack

The Cryolophosaurus Premium skin pack includes 2 variants for the Dilophosaurus dinosaur class.

“Glacial” Cryolophosaurus

When the decision was made to clone the Cryolophosaurus species the “hilariously funny” guys in the lab decided to play a practical joke and make one seemingly designed for colder climates. They made it blue and marketed it as an “Ice variant of the Dilophosaurus”. They couldn’t help snickering as they pitched the animal but what they...


 Um einen Key bei Steam einzulösen, benötigst du zunächst ein Benutzerkonto bei Steam. Dieses kannst du dir auf der offiziellen Website einrichten. Im Anschluss kannst du dir auf der Steam Webseite direkt den Client herunterladen und installieren. Nach dem Start von Steam kannst du den Key wie folgt einlösen:

  1. Klicke oben im Hauptmenü den Menüpunkt "Spiele" und wähle anschließend "Ein Produkt bei Steam aktivieren...".

  2. Im neuen Fenster klickst du nun auf "Weiter". Bestätige dann mit einem Klick auf "Ich stimme zu" die Steam-Abonnementvereinbarung.

  3. Gebe in das "Produktschlüssel"-Feld den Key des Spiels ein, welches du aktivieren möchtest. Du kannst den Key auch mit Copy&Paste einfügen. Anschließend auf "Weiter" klicken und das Spiel wird deinem Steam-Account hinzugefügt.

Danach kann das Produkt direkt installiert werden und befindet sich wie üblich in deiner Steam-Bibliothek.

Das Ganze kannst du dir auch als kleines Video ansehen.

Primal Carnage Skin Bundle Inhalte 9

Name: Releasedatum: Preis:
PCK Primal Carnage - Dinosaur Skin Pack 1 DLC 30. Nov 2012 ab € 0,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Pilot Commando DLC 29. Jan 2013 ab € 0,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Agent Trapper DLC 08. Feb 2013 ab € 0,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Experimental Dinosaur Skin Pack 2 08. Apr 2013 ab € 0,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Dinosaur Skin Pack 3 21. Mai 2013 ab € 0,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Dinobuster Skin 27. Aug 2013 ab € 0,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Oviraptor - Premium 22. Okt 2013 ab € 2,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Tupandactylus - Premium 22. Okt 2013 ab € 2,99
PCK Primal Carnage - Cryolophosaurus - Premium - 2 Pack 22. Okt 2013 ab € 2,99

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