
Publisher:Altered Orbit Studios
Entwickler:Altered Orbit Studios
Releasedatum:31. Mai 2024 (vor 9 Monaten)

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Selaco is a brand new original shooter running on GZDoom, featuring thrilling action set pieces, destructibility, smart AI and a fleshed out story taking place within an immersive game world. It draws inspiration heavily from F.E.A.R. in terms of action set pieces, while mixing traditional retro-FPS elements from QUAKE and DOOM, along with some more modern features. Together with professional artists who work in the industry, several having worked on successful throwback FPS games in the past, Selaco is a fully fleshed out world full of character, action, and mystery.
The story takes place during a violent invasion of Selaco, the underground facility that's home to the surviving refugees after the fall of Earth. You play as Dawn, an ACE Security Captain who, with her recent promotion and high level security clearances, is digging deep into the truth behind Selaco's murky history. Before she can finish her investigation, Selaco is rocked by explosions and armed invaders. While Selaco may take place in a large-scale conflict, much of it will be the personal story of Dawn, the center-piece of the game.
- A lengthy story-driven campaign
Selaco is a story-driven experience, and we don't say that lightly. A dedicated writer has been brought on board to assist with creating an engaging and believable sci-fi story and world.
- Intense Action set pieces
Turn the entire world into confetti with the destructive power of your weapons. Every single bullet will react properly with any materials or objects you hit. Our artists have created many different variations for each (voxel)object to ensure that the aftermath of each encounter is palpable. That once lavish office space now nothing but a pile of rubble with broken paintings, smashed tables, screen, chairs, smoke, and chunks of debris.
- Custom AI
With our FEAR influence, writing proper AI was a goal from the get go. The enemy is fully aware of each other's presence and work together to take you down. They will keep their distance if you apply constant pressure on them, will rush you if you hide or run out of bullets, toss grenades if you use the same cover for too long, and much more. Hundreds of custom lines have been written and acted out, providing hints to the player about their current plans and tactics.
- Full soundtrack
Selaco is accompanied by a full length original soundtrack composed by an experienced musician who has worked on many games in the past.
- Professional voice-acting.
To help immerse players in the story and atmosphere of Selaco, professional voice actors have been brought on board. Dawn will be voiced by the incredibly talented Melissa Medina, with other casting choices revealed at a later date.
- Extra Gamemodes
Completing levels allows you to replay that level in Incursion Mode, an expanded version of that map where your skills will be tested against a near endless onslaught of enemies. Win incursion maps to gain bonuses to aid you throughout the campaign. New exclusive Incursion Levels and new mutators will also be unlocked as the campaign progresses.
- Full open-source modding support
Mod it till it breaks! Create new campaign experiences, modify or create your own content, port your favorite GZDoom mods. Anything goes!
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- Betriebssystem *: Windows Vista
- Prozessor: Intel i3 2100 or higher
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
- Grafik: 4 GB of VRAM with OpenGL 3.3 (GeForce GTX970 or higher)
- Speicherplatz: 900 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: SSD is highly recommended. Requirements subject to change
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- Betriebssystem: Windows 10 (64-Bit)
- Prozessor: Intel i5-3570k
- Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
- Grafik: 4 GB of VRAM with OpenGL 3.3 (GeForce GTX970 or higher)
- Speicherplatz: 900 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: One that is chunky enough to play our awesome music and sound effects
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: SSD is highly recommended. Requirements subject to change
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: TBA
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: TBA
- Betriebssystem: Linux 64-bit | Ubuntu 18.04 | Mint 19 | Debian 10
- Prozessor: Intel i3 2100 or higher
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
- Grafik: Anything capable of running OpenGL 4.0 (eg. ATI Radeon HD 57xx or Nvidia GeForce 400 and higher)
- Speicherplatz: 900 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: SSD is highly recommended. Requirements subject to change
- Betriebssystem: Linux 64-bit | Ubuntu 18.04 | Mint 19 | Debian 10
- Prozessor: Intel i5-3570k
- Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
- Grafik: 1 GB of VRAM with OpenGL 3.3 (GeForce GTX 630 or higher)
- Speicherplatz: 900 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: SSD is highly recommended. Requirements subject to change
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Ein Steam Gift ist - wie der Name vermuten lässt - ein virtuelles Geschenk auf der Steam Plattform. Um ein Steam Geschenk empfangen zu können benötigst Du einen aktiven Steam-Account. Händler die Steam Geschenke verkaufen senden dir im Anschluss einen Link zur Steam-Seite auf dem du das Geschenk annehmen kannst.
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