Small World 2 Complete pack (PC)
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Small World 2

Small World 2 Spiel and in-app Käufe Jahresende Promo

Basiert auf dem unglaublich erfolgreichen Small World Fantasy-Brettspiel mit über 500.000 verkauften Exemplaren!

Übernimm die Kontrolle von irrsinnig lustigen Kombinationen mit Fantasy-Rassen & Spezialfähigkeiten, wie den Berserker-Halblingen, Händler-Wassermännern, Alchemisten-Rattenmenschen und Drachenbändiger-Amazonen, um so viele Regionen wie nur möglich in einer Welt zu erobern, die einfach zu...

Small World 2 - Be not Afraid...

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

There are many frightening inhabitants of Small World, but to survive you must Be Not Afraid...! This expansion for Small World includes a nasty lot of five new Races including Barbarians, Homunculi, Pixies, Pygmies, and greedy little Leprechauns. You'll also get five new Special Powers among which Catapult which allows you to leap over regions to conquer new lands.


Small World 2 - Cursed!

Put a curse on your Small World!
This expansion features winning contest entries from Gustav Åkerfelt, Philip Harding, Jörg Krismann, Travis Lauro, Paolo Mori, Leif Steiestol and Daniel Zielinski.


  • 2 new Race banners and tokens (Kobolds & Goblins)
  • 5 new Special Power badges (Cursed, Hordes of, Marauding, Ransacking & Were-)

Hit a man while he's down - Goblins conquer In Decline regions at...

Small World 2 - Grand Dames

Introducing the leading ladies to Small World!

This expansion features winning contest entries from Clay Blankenship, Blaise Hanczar, Mike Haverty, Jörg Krismann and Jason Oman.


  • 3 new Race banners and tokens (Gypsies, Priestesses & the ghostly White Ladies)
  • 2 new Special Power badges (Historian & Peace-loving)

When Priestesses go In Decline, they concentrate their forces by...

Small World 2 Complete pack Inhalte 4

Name: Releasedatum: Preis:
PCK Small World 2 11. Dez 2013 9.99 ab € 0,91
PCK Small World 2 - Be not Afraid... 11. Dez 2013 4.99 ab € 2,99
PCK Small World 2 - Cursed! 11. Dez 2013 2.99 ab € 1,27
PCK Small World 2 - Grand Dames 11. Dez 2013 2.99 ab € 0,58

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