Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax

Publisher:Dreamloop Games
Entwickler:Dreamloop Games
Releasedatum:10. Nov 2015 (vor 9 Jahren)

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Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax is an engaging 1-4 player couch co-op action shooter game, combining SHMUP and Brawler-like gameplay with light RPG elements. Choose from different game modes, gameplay settings, mechs, weapons and upgrades to customize your experience freely. Soar through space, defeat evil and save the future... from itself!
- Local co-op for up to 4 players
- 5 badass player characters, with their distinct special abilities and superweapons
- A vast arsenal of primary and secondary weapons
- An extensive and customizable list of game settings; play the way you want
- A light touch of RPG-mechanics, just for fun
- A 10-level campaign with a tongue-in-cheek story to tie it together
- Endless Gauntlet-mode that gets progressively harder as you play
- Challenge mode with five predefined challenges
- An amazing, album-length soundtrack (DLC)
- A disco ball
- A character named Gundula von Übelvamp
- No shocking plot twists in the end, like totally
- You can always trust bullet points
You are the new Galactic Police Force, restoring peace and order to the universe. Up to four-player adventures await! Jump in your Galaxy Gear Mech and become the space warrior that saves the future. It's now or never.
Go with the default rulesets, or tune the gameplay settings to your liking. Adjust health and shield amounts, fire rates, drop rates, hitbox sizes or turn friendly fire on for a frantic, dangerous experience. Choose the way you play from relaxed star rides to maddening bullet-hells!
- Choose from four unique, badass mechs, each coming with its own special abilities.
- Blue Falcon, the Sniper, uses spears and missile barrages to kill his opposition from afar.
- Red Tiger, the Berserker, goes hog wild with frenzied claw attacks and time altering abilities.
- Silver Wolf, the Dasher, charges from place to place exploding enemies into pieces with his bombs.
- Black Bear, the Reflector, uses shields to make her allies invulnerable and her enemies die to their own bullets.
- Amber Fox, the Nullifier, sucks in enemy fire only to return it to them tenfold and stabilizes the playing field.
Blast evil left and right. The campaign game mode takes you to a perilous journey through space. From the depths of oceans, through alien hives and haunted factories to the outer limits of hyperspace. Explore the galaxy and its beautiful space scenery while destroying the evil.
Equip yourself with a combination of primary and secondary weapons, ranging from pulse rifles, chain guns and rail guns to rockets, shotguns and space flamethrowers! Up to 49 unique weapon combinations in addition to different upgrades and power-ups help you on the way.
Synth samples of yesterday are your allies in the struggle for tomorrow. Hypermelodic soundtrack is here to match your galactic operations!
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Um einen Key bei Steam einzulösen, benötigst du zunächst ein Benutzerkonto bei Steam. Dieses kannst du dir auf der offiziellen Website einrichten. Im Anschluss kannst du dir auf der Steam Webseite direkt den Client herunterladen und installieren. Nach dem Start von Steam kannst du den Key wie folgt einlösen:
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