Survival: Postapocalypse Now (PC)
Steam Key

Survival: Postapocalypse Now Cover


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You - a man who has lost everything. Literally. Your life, your home, your memory. Opening your eyes you find yourself knee-deep in snow in the middle of the forest. What happened? Who are you and where are you? - Unknown. You only know that you are not alone here. Have you heard the saying - "Man to man - the wolf!"? Now it works! And it works damn good! Do you want to survive? - A few have managed to survive with their bare hands. Arm yourself and set your way. What happened to the world around, and why world died - it is possible to find out the reason, but whether it it the main issue today, eh?

-Siberia is severe. Siberia is cold and does not give life to the weak. Do you want to survive? - Be stronger of that lad running with a riflein your direction.
-Your Home is now here. But in the view of all your home will quickly become tempting prey. Erect your new home, strengthen and protect it.
-Nothing is eternal. And your weapon - perhaps the most loyal friend in this world. Take care of it, darn it, and it will serve you well.
-Hand in hand. If you feel that you do not need anyone - be on your way. You're cool. But in most cases people do not survive here bein all alone. A group of two people has the power and there will always be someone who will covered your back.
-You - human. A human needs to eat, drink, dress...if you don't want Siberia to took you forever. Whatever happens, whatever disaster has occurred, people were going in a hurry, and a lot of useful stuff left around. You have just to look around.
-And Again: you - the human. You're not made of steel and kilometers on your feet will not be easy to overcome. Why not use one of those cars that were left by hurrying people? All you need is to find some fuel, some battery, and something, than you would use to ignite the engine.

Currently we are working on porting game on Unity 5. This will allow us to fix most (and perhaps all) of the bugs and flaws. It will let us to make the game visually more "tasty". At the moment, the updated version of the game is in the alpha testing stage. The development team updates the Alpha test branch as often as it is possible. Thanks to you and your guests, we do "Survival: Postapocalypse Now" better!

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