The Adventure Pals

Publisher:Armor Games Studios
Entwickler:Massive Monster
Releasedatum:03. Apr 2018 (vor 6 Jahren)

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The Adventure Pals is an action-packed platformer about friendship, exploration, and riding your giraffe. Mr. B is kidnapping old people and turning them into hot dogs! It's up to you and your best buddies to save the day. You'll leap, slash, and blast your way through increasingly madcap levels filled with traps, weird and wild enemies, treasure, and more. Along the way, you'll help a whale regain confidence, take a side in the battle between toast and dinosaur, travel to a legendary sunken city and decide the fate of a Pirate election. Explore the world on the back of your giraffe. Your travels take you across a huge land filled with zombie pirate cats, post-apocalyptic dinosaurs and hotdogs that poop explosive mines. Explore the mystical forests of Treevale, hike the haunted craters of the moon and dive into the depths of the ocean to find the lost city of Crablantis.
Inspired by classic platformers and cartoons alike, The Adventure Pals combines hilarious characters with rip-roaring platforming and combat. Level up to learn special abilities, throw bombs and whack things with your sword. Find cupcakes to unlock costumes and fill your scrap book up with secret stickers. The game is a mixture of lovingly handcrafted platformer levels, combat focused arenas and RPG-like locations with townsfolk who provide quests, items and other goodies for you to buy to aid you on your journey. Just like your favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwich, The Adventure pals is both nutty and sweet,with perhaps just a little crunch. It is lighthearted, goofy fun no matter what your age.
Game Features
- Explore five distinct worlds, all with their own unique characters and quests.
- Level up by defeating baddies to improve your health, stabbin', or rock-smashin'.
- Gameplay that's easy to pick up, but ramps up the challenge as you go.
- A fun and funny story with a bizarre but lovable cast and hilarious cartoon cutscenes.
- Battle such dazzling, creative bosses as vegetables, breakfast, a tree, and more!
- Play by yourself, or with a bestie in co-op mode.
- Three words: Giraffe. Helicopter. Tongue.
The Pals
- The Player
This is you! One minute it’s your birthday, the next your Papa is being stolen from you right before your eyes! Thrust into the role of adventurer, when all you’d rather be doing is opening presents, you quickly realise that you are a natural at this baddie-bashing, grapple-swinging, toaster-popping, quest-completing, experience-leveling, treasure-seeking malarky. But will you be able to rescue your Papa and stop Mr B’s diabolical plans in time? - Sparkles The Giraffe
Friend. Philosopher. MENSA member. Giraffe. Sparkles has many talents beyond being a mere mount. Use her not-at-all-creepy helicopter-like tongue to slow and direct your fall, or her long neck to yank yourself to distant enemies for devastating combo finishers, or up to those hard-to-reach platforms to y’know... jump higher - Mr. Rock
When you need somebody sturdy you can lean on for support, call Mr. Rock, because, well... he's a literal rock. Maybe he's a bit of a smart-aleck, but don't take him for granite... you’ll discover he has some pretty awesome abilities to unlock as you adventure through the game
- Betriebssystem: Windows 7 or Later
- Prozessor: Intel Core™ Duo or faster
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
- Grafik: Radeon HD5450 or better; 256 MB or higher
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Speicherplatz: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: Gamepad Recommended
- Betriebssystem: Lion (OSX 10.7.X)
- Prozessor: 2.0 GHz Intel
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 MB RAM
- Grafik: 256 MB NVidia or ATI graphics card
- Netzwerk: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Speicherplatz: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: Gamepad Recommended
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