Torment: Tides of Numenera

Publisher:inXile Entertainment
Entwickler:inXile Entertainment
Releasedatum:28. Feb 2017 (vor 8 Jahren)

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Torment: Tides of Numenera jetzt günstig als Steam Key oder GOG Key kaufen. Vergleiche die Preise aller Keyshops und spare beim Kauf eines Torment: Tides of Numenera Game Keys.
You are born falling from orbit, a new mind in a body once occupied by the Changing God, a being who has cheated death for millennia. If you survive, your journey through the Ninth World will only get stranger… and deadlier.
With a host of strange companions – whose motives and goals may help or harm you – you must escape an ancient, unstoppable creature called the Sorrow and answer the question that defines your existence: What does one life matter?
Torment: Tides of Numenera is the thematic successor to Planescape: Torment, one of the most critically acclaimed and beloved role-playing games of all time. Torment: Tides of Numenera is a single-player, isometric, narrative-driven role-playing game set in Monte Cook’s Numenera universe, and brought to you by the creative team behind Planescape: Torment and the award-winning Wasteland 2.
- A Deep, Thematically Satisfying Story. The philosophical underpinnings of Torment drive the game, both mechanically and narratively. Your words, choices, and actions are your primary weapons.
- A World Unlike Any Other. Journey across the Ninth World, a fantastic, original setting, with awe-inspiring visuals, offbeat and unpredictable items to use in and out of battle, and stunning feats of magic. Powered by technology used in the award-winning Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment, the Numenera setting by Monte Cook provides endless wonders and impossibly imaginative locations for you to explore.
- A Rich, Personal Narrative. Thoughtful and character-driven, the story is epic in feel but deeply personal in substance, with nontraditional characters and companions whose motivations and desires shape their actions throughout the game.
- Reactivity, Replayability, and the Tides. Your choices matter, and morality in the Ninth World is not a simple matter of “right” and “wrong”. You will decide the fates of those around you, and characters will react to your decisions and reputation. The result is a deeply replayable experience that arises naturally from your actions throughout the game.
- A New Take on Combat. With the Crisis system, combat is more than just bashing your enemies. Plan your way through hand-crafted set-pieces which combine battles with environmental puzzles, social interaction, stealth, and more.
This Steam Early Access game is currently not a finished game and may or may not change significantly over the course of development. To learn more about Steam Early Access, please visit
- Betriebssystem: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
- Prozessor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD equivalent
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
- Grafik: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or Radeon HD 4850 (512 MB VRAM)
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Speicherplatz: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: DirectX compatible sound card
- Betriebssystem: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
- Prozessor: Intel i5 series or AMD equivalent
- Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
- Grafik: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB VRAM)
- DirectX: Version 10
- Speicherplatz: 30 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Soundkarte: DirectX compatible sound card
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