Wrath of Anna
Publisher:Lorenzo Games, Michael L. Fiorentino Gutierrez
Entwickler:Lorenzo Games, Michael L. Fiorentino Gutierrez
Releasedatum:20. Sep 2016 (vor 8 Jahren)
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Be a part of a breathtaking first person shooter experience on the powerful Unreal Engine 4!
Battle alongside friends in modern combat on both Earth and its rival planet: Drumgore.
Former competitive gamer Michael L. Fiorentino Gutierrez (a.k.a. hamtaro) has designed a modern FPS with brutal competitive play in both small and large scale combat modes.
Team A: Natives
Team B: The Allegiance of Anna
Defend Earth and play as the Natives, or fight for Earth's rival planet - Drumgore - and their unrelenting dictator: Lord Anna. Experience combat on both planets!
As the Natives, you will infiltrate intense environments in search of finding information about Anna and her whereabouts. You must unlock cases to find this information. A round win is designated by opening one case (found at either given Site on a map; custom maps might only include one Site at times).
Playing as a member of the Allegiance of Anna, you will do everything in your power to defend Anna, her Warcruiser and her whereabouts. You must prevent the Natives from infiltrating your compounds and attacking your faction, in addition to preventing them from unlocking cases and obtaining information. If you are playing the Allegiance in competitive mode, you must hide your cases and information promptly at the beginning of each round and prevent them from being unlocked for the entire duration of the round.
Support us in early access and you will be supporting the development of both quality first person action as well as third person action with the introduction of playable mechs created by our lead artist, Cameron Rogers.
CREATOR / LEAD: Michael L. Fiorentino Gutierrez (hamtaro)
Daniel Borgmann
Alexej Perevosnikov
Cameron Rogers
Daryl Petty
Tobias Nyholm Maneschijn
Samuel Hall
David Conta
Emily Andrews
Brett Wing
Matt Mason
Trent Haley
Charles Duprey
Laith Shackleford
Anthony Iacono
Cameron Rogers
Mattia Cupelli
© Michael L. Fiorentino Gutierrez
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